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Our History



On November 1, 1782, after years of negotiations, the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania, the Associate Presbytery of New York, and the Reformed Presbytery united to form the Associate Reformed Church.

In 1790, the Associate Reformed Church formed the Presbytery of the Carolinas and Georgia. In 1802, the Associate Reformed Church divided itself into four Synods--New York, Scioto, Pennsylvania, and the Carolinas. 

The Synod of the Carolinas was made up of the First and Second Presbyteries of the Carolinas and Georgia. First Presbytery was organized at Long Cane, SC on February 24, 1790. Second Presbytery was organized at Cedar Springs, SC on April 8, 1801. The Synod of the Carolinas was formally organized at the Old Brick Church in Fairfield County, SC on May 9, 1803.

A general Associate Reformed synod was to preside over these four synods, but in 1820, the Synod of Scioto withdrew from the Associate Reformed Church. On April 1, 1822, at Kings Creek in Newberry County, SC, the Synod of the Carolinas withdrew and constituted itself an independent synod with the name of "The Associate Reformed Synod of the South." Some twenty-one years later, in 1853, the First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Synod of the South founded the Yorkville Associate Reformed Church.




Yorkville ARP Church was organized in the fall of 1853 by First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Synod of the South in a private home. There were fourteen charter members, coming from nine families. Several of these families were divided as to church allegiance. 

The fourteen original members of the Yorkville ARP Church were: Major and Mrs. John C. Enloe, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Colonel and Mrs. William C. Beaty, Professor and Mrs. Matthew Elder, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Barron, Miss Fannie Barron, Mrs. Amanda Herndon, 'Mrs. Sarah Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth Curry. 

Even though the original fourteen members must have had high hopes for their new church, events were not favorable. The Civil War brought demoralization, wreck and ruin, both materially and spiritually. 

The congregation held its services for the most part in a building that stood on a lot opposite the old Yorkville Cemetery near the present site of the Confederate Monument. In 1855, a large wooden building was completed on East Madison Street. It was located on a lot adjoining the one on which this church building stands and was given by George Washington Williams.

The first pastor of the York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church was the Rev. Stafford Currie Millen, D.D. Born near Fishing Creek church, Chester County, SC, March 1, 1812, he was trained for the ministry from early childhood. He was educated in the schools of Chester County, in an Academy at Xenia, Ohio and in the University of Indiana. He was installed as pastor of Yorkville-Tirzah on December 8, 1853 and served until November 1857. In the Fall of 1858, he opened a school in Yorkville. In July 1860, he became President of the Statesville Female College, and in September 1860 severed his connection with the Associate Reformed Church. 

In his "Sketch of the Yorkville A. R.P. Church," W. D. Grist wrote, 

Dr. Millen was an earnest Christian who lived for a purpose, and to him belongs the distinction of being one of the earliest crusaders of this country against the liquor traffic. In his day, the sale of liquor was as common and as matter of course as is the sale of ordinary cold drinks of today and but little more odium or reproach attached to the drinking of it. Indeed, whiskey drinking preachers were not unknown, and little was thought of the habit even in the preacher unless he became a common drunkard.

Thirty years or more ahead of his time, Dr. Millen began earnest work against whiskey and it was not a great while before he made himself exceedingly unpopular because of his alleged intolerance. That, very likely, had something to do with his finally leaving the town; but he never changed. He kept up the fight until others joined in and no doubt to him belongs much credit for the fact that Yorkville was among the first towns in the state to outlaw the liquor traffic.

According to a Yorkville Enquirer article, the church dedicated in 1855 "a neat frame structure with a seating capacity of about four hundred." Where was this structure? This is one of the minor mysteries of the church's history.

The Evening Herald article of October 30, 1965 says "During the first two years of the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Millen, the congregation held worship services for the most part in a building that stood opposite the old Yorkville Cemetery near the present site of the Confederate monument. In 1855, a large wooden church building was completed on E. Madison Street located on a lot adjoining grounds occupied by the present house of worship. Land was given by George Washington Williams." No one seems to remember where this wooden church was. To seat 400, it would have been larger than the present church. 

Following the resignation of Dr. S. C. Millen, the Church remained without a pastor for two years. In the spring of 1859, Rev. Robert Lathan, D.D. was installed as pastor of the Yorkville-Tirzah Charge. Dr. Lathan served until November 28, 1884 when he resigned to accept a professorship in Erskine Theological Seminary at Due West. Dr. Lathan was born in Fairfield County on December 27, 1829 and died at Bradley in Abbeville County on June 15, 1896. His father was a farmer with a good education who inspired in his son the ambition to become a scholar. At the age of nineteen, Robert Lathan entered a school taught by Rev. James Gilland, and was there prepared for college. In 1853, he entered the sophomore class at Erskine College, and two years later was graduated with high honors. He completed seminary studies in 1858. In 1859, he accepted a call to the yoked pastorate of Yorkville and Tirzah. In 1859, he married Fanny E. Barron, daughter of Dr. A. T. Barron. They had seven children.

Lathan also served as a teacher in and near Yorkville. After the Civil War, Lathan was elected School Commissioner of York County. He contributed often to the Yorkville Enquirer. He also wrote a history of the Associate Reformed Synod of the South, published in 1882. In recognition of this work, he received the Doctor of Divinity degree from Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA, in June 1881. In 1884, he left the pastorate of Yorkville-Tirzah to become a professor at Erskine Theological Seminary.

The Sabbath School was organized in 1880. . W. M. Kennedy I was the first superintendent. 

Following the resignation of Dr. Robert Lathan, a call was extended to Rev. Jonathan Caldwell Galloway, D.D. J. C. Galloway was born in Newberry County in 1851. He was installed as pastor of Yorkville-Tirzah on October 28, 1885 and continued in that position until December 31, 1893, when he resigned to become pastor of Pisgah and Gastonia. He was married twice, first to Josie Brice. When she died in 1887, leaving three children, he married Blanche McKemy. He received his Doctor of Divinity degree from Erskine College in 1898. He edited "The Life and Letters of Mrs. Griffen." Mrs. Griffen was his sister and a pioneer in promoting foreign missions in the Associate Reformed Synod of the South.

In 1889, according to the Yorkville Enquirer article (Appendix 2), the church had forty-three members. "The following are the offices of the church: elders--W. M. Kennedy, W. W. Jenkins, L. M. Grist. Deacons--S. A. McElwee, John F. Oates, W. T. Barron. W. D. Grist, J. A. Shillinglaw."

The next pastor was the Rev. Boyce Hemphill Grier, who was born in Due West, SC, November 8, 1861. He graduated from Erskine Theological Seminary in 1887. He was installed on August 17, 1894 as pastor of the Yorkville-Tirzah charge. He resigned on July 1, 1901 to accept the pastorate of the Church at Ora in Laurens County, South Carolina.

"The three years following the resignation of Rev. B. H. Grier constituted a trying period in the history of the York Church. There was difficulty about coming to an agreement on a pastor [with Tirzah]." (Moss p5) As a result of this bickering between the churches, The Evening Herald speaks of "heavy loses of membership." To end the dispute, Yorkville dissolved its yoked relationship with the Tirzah Church. Each church decided to call its own pastor.

Yorkville called Rev. William Cameron Ewart. Born in Huntersville, NC, September 19, 1864, Ewart was installed as pastor on January 20, 1904. He remained the pastor of the church until his death on August 17, 1908. When Rev. Ewart became pastor, the church had around fifty members. At the time of his death, membership stood at one hundred thirty.

Following the death of W. C. Ewart, the pulpit was filled by stated supplies until a call was extended to James Leroy Oates. Born in Gaston County, NC, April 8, 1873, Rev. Oates was installed on October 1, 1909 and continued until he resigned August 1, 1922.

During the pastorate of J. L. Oates the present lot on which the church stands was acquired from Mrs. Mary J. and Winnie Davis Crawford. This lot was purchased in January 1912 and it was during Oates' pastorate that this building was erected. The building was dedicated on July 25, 1920. W. D. Grist notes that at the time the church had two hundred twenty members (page 1).

General Synod met at York November 15-19, 1916.

Rev. Oates conducted many revival meetings over the synod. During World War I, he was camp pastor at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C. He served as Superintendent of the York City Schools, filling out the unexpired term of a Superintendent who had entered military service. He was on the draft board in World War I. He went to the trains with every group, both White and Black and held a prayer service as they entrained in the service of 'their country. He took a great interest in the work of the Boy Scouts and .the Red Cross. He was truly a community pastor.

Following the resignation of Rev. J. L. Oates the congregation called Rev. Nat Erskine Smith. He was born August 22, 1878 at Coddle Creek, NC. He was installed on May 18, 1924 and remained with the York Church until he died on October 27, 1937. Judge Moss in his history offers the following quote: "This servant of God was a vigorous and earnest preacher of the Gospel. He was a strong character, taking a positive stand on most of the important questions confronting the Church. He was a good mixer, companionable, at home in any company" (p7).

Again, Judge Moss quotes a classmate and life-long friend (no name given) as writing of Rev. Smith: "'He was a man of fine gifts, which he used in the furtherance of the Kingdom, as he used his attractive personality in winning friends for the Master. A fine sermonizer and preacher, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, he was enabled to instruct and develop his people in the Christian graces" (p7).

The next pastor was the Rev. Frank Brown Edwards, who was born in Mexico. He was installed on July l0, 1938 and resigned on February 11, 1946. In 1942, Rev. Edwards became a Chaplain in the United States Army where he served until the end of the War. "Mr. Edwards was a zealous minister of the Gospel, a man of pleasing personality and endowed with the gift of song. He preached with clarity and directly to the point. (p7-8 Moss's History of York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church).

From December 1942 until June 30, 1946 (While Frank Edwards was in the military), the pulpit was supplied by William Walkup Boyce, D.D. A 1909 graduate of Erskine College and a 1911 graduate of Erskine Seminary, Boyce "held several pastorates in the ARP denomination and was a missionary to Mexico for four years." (The Second Century: A History of Associate Reformed Presbyterians 1882-1982, by Lowry Ware and Vames W. Gettys volume 3 of the Bicentennial "Set of Six" p466). W. W. Boyce became Dean of Erskine Theological Seminary in December 1941 and continued in that position for twenty years. During World War II, he also supplied the York Church.

Following the resignation of F. B. Edwards, Samuel Alexander Tinkler, D.D. was installed on July 1, 1946 and remained until his resignation in November 17, 1947. "Dr. Tinkler was a preacher of pronounced gift and ability. He was a man of refined culture and of deep and earnest purposes. It was during his ministry that this building was renovated and redecorated" (Moss 8).

During the interim after the resignation of Dr. S. A. Tinkler, the pulpit was filled from January 18, 1947 until January 30, 1949 by F. W. Gregg, D.D., of the Southern Presbyterian Church. W. Chapman Lauderdale was a student supply during the summer of 1948. 

The congregation extended a call to John Reid Love and he became pastor of the church on February 1, 1949. In June 1953, Erskine College conferred upon John Reid Love the degree of Doctor of Divinity. 

On October 11, 1953 the York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church celebrated its one hundredth anniversary. At that time, the Honorable Joseph R. Moss read a history of the York Congregation.

On October 15 1954, Dr- John Reid Love, beloved pastor of this congregation, died. During his pastorate the congregation had purchased the J. E. Wiley residence on East Liberty Street as a manse and had converted the old manse to a Church House.

In the mid-1950's, a hailstorm struck York and the surrounding area inflicting heavy losses to property. The church building was extensively damaged. In 1956, the church building was renovated. Major changes were made in the appearance of the sanctuary. Included in this renovation was a rebuilding of the pipe organ.

On November 14 1956, Reverend Harold S. Mace became the pastor of this congregation and served until November 22, 1959.

Reverend Jerry Alexander served as pastor from May 15, 1960 to August 31, 1961. Mr. Alexander came to York following his graduation from Erskine Theological Seminary.

On February 1, 1962, Reverend J. B. Hendrick became the pastor at York where he served until August 1980. 

In 1963 a new manse was erected on Moss Street on property donated to the church by the Honorable Joseph R. Moss. An open house was held on August 11, 1963. Dr. W. W. Boyce led in the prayer of dedication.

On Saturday, October 30, 1965 and article describing the church appeared in the Rock Hill Evening Herald.

In November of 1966, the Church House was removed to make way for a new educational building. This building, completed in 1967, contains a parlor, a kitchen, a fellowship hall, and five classrooms. Open house was held on August 13, 1967. The building was dedicated debt-free on November 9. 1975.

In 1969 a Youth Hut was completed. This building provides classroom and recreational space .

In 1973-1974 the sanctuary and educational building were air-conditioned. In 1976 extensive work was done on the church roof.

In 1977 the pipe organ was completely rebuilt. This project includes a new blower system and additions to the organ to make it more versatile.

Rev. Tony Grant was Installed as pastor January 11, 1981.

In 1989, a chair lift was installed to provide access to the church for the handicapped.

In 1991, members discovered that a leaking roof had done great damage to the ceiling plaster in the sanctuary. The roof was replaced and the plaster restored. In addition, new carpet was installed, the sanctuary painted, and a new dossal was installed behind the choir.

In 1994, the basement of the church was remodeled. New restrooms were added, and a parlor. Floors were finished, and the area was painted.

Thanksgiving breakfast at YARPC is a major event in the church calendar.

Women Of the Church

In the fall of 1890, at the home of Mrs. W. L. McDonald, the Ladies Aid Society was organized. The original membership consisted of eleven faithful women. Mrs J. B. Galloway was elected President. Dues were ten cents a month. The society was begun mainly for the purpose of keeping the church and manse in repair, answering any calls for charity, and helping with the work of the church. The Ladies Aid Society became the Woman's Missionary Society during the pastorate of Rev. Boyce Grier. The society helped with the building of the new church during the ministry of Dr. J. L. Oates. The first work done by the Ladies Aid Society was putting down carpet, at a cost of about $75. The first work done by the Women's Missionary Society was putting windows in the building, at a cost of $1200. During the ministry of Rev. N. E. Smith, the women helped buy the pipe organ.

Five young men from YARPC have entered the ministry. They are:

Rev. James R. Kennedy

Rev. Stanley Bennett

Rev. Jack Heinsohn

Rev. Guy H. Smith, Jr.

Rev. William L. Barron










A Church seeking to glorify God in worship, nurture the faithful in His Word, and serve the world as Christ served us.




70 N. Congress St.
York, SC 29745



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